Monday, March 25, 2013

Getting Started

This will walk through the initial set up of making your blog.

Step 1: Coming up with your title, description, and thematic plan.

  1. Meet with your partners. 
  2. share email, phone information with your partners. (write down on Blog Start Up Sheet)
  3. Select your topic (this is what your posts will be about or what they will relate to) and write on your blog startup sheet:
    1. One Holy Catholic and Apostolic (Apologetics, Defense of the Faith, Misunderstandings of the Catholic Church, Catholic Church in general)
    2. Teacher and Sanctifier (Catholic Church Doctrine and Sacraments, Pope, Magisterium)
    3. The Universal Call to Holiness (Living a Spiritually Holy Life according to Catholic Faith theme)
    4. The Church as the Communion of Saints (Judgment, Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, Saints, Ecumenism theme)
  4. Come up with what your want the theme of your blog to be. 
    1. Who do you want your blog to reach (audience)? (Catholics, non-Catholics, teenagers, adults, men, women, atheists, protestants, agnostics?)
    2. What could your blogs be about to successfully encounter these people?  
    3. This is your blog, so you give it a personality.  Is it witty, serious, funny, a mix of all?
    4. Is this coming from an agnostic point of view, non-Catholic, Catholic, Muslim, teenager?
  5. Write out a plan as to what your blog is about, who your audience is, and what you can do, post, talk about to be successful and effective.
  6. Create a 3-5 sentence description of your blog (you will type it out in a couple places later)
  7. Come up with your catchy blog title.

Step 2: Setting up the Blog for all partners

  1. One person of the group go to and log in using your school's email account.
  2. Click "new blog" on the left side and walk through the steps. 
  3. Click on the blog and on the left side click settings.
  4. Under "Permissions", click on "Add Author", type in their email addresses, and click invite authors.
  5. Call/contact your partners and make sure they accept the invitation. Now all three are authors for the blog.

Step 3: Making your first post

  1. Collectively or assign one individual to make the first post.  The first post is nicely writing out your plan from step one.  This is your first post, so make it publishable. (grammatically correct, paragraphs, well written, etc. )  
  2. Don't forget, this is your blog, so make it have your personality.  Add your wit, or intelligence or humor.
  3. Add a picture to your blog that summarizes your theme. 

Step 4: Putting your blog on Moodle

  1. Assign one individual to add the blog to our Moodle page.  
  2. Log into our page on Moodle
  3. Under the Four Marks of the Church section, find the Assignment: SJCP Theology II Spring Project and open it.
  4. Click "add entry"
  5. Under Concept, enter the title of your blog.
  6. Under description, give your brief description of your blog.  Make it look nice.  At the bottom, write the words: "The blog can be found here: place link here". 
  7. Replace the words place link here with the actual link.
  8. Under keywords, type in the full names of the group members, separating each one by a new line (not comma or space). Also add your section number under keywords.
  9. Submit entry.
(For Thursday in Class)
Step 5: Making your next two posts

  1. Each person on your team is to make a post.  
  2. Take any thought, idea, or curiosity that you desire.  It could be current affairs, a saint, a church teaching, a lifestyle, a cultural phenomenon a TV show or series, a political thing.
  3. Talk about it. Reflect on it.  Share your insights as it relates to your theme and topic.
  4. For example, someone might take an episode of Seinfeld and talk about how it goes totally against the Catholic Church's view of call to holiness.  You may take this blog reflecting on those points.  

Step 6: Bling Bling your Blog

  1. As a team, add 3 sidebars (or widget)  in your blog. (This could be a links section, a youtube section, photos, etc.
  2. Under the administration panel, click on 'layout'.

Step 7: To perfectly complete your getting started week....

  1. Make a sidebar with links to 5 other classmates blogs, plus Mr. Cole's
  2. Make a post about the pope and holy week or about the Church's stance on the hot topic of the week: Gay Marriage. Use the internet to back up your thoughts and add depth to your post.
Make sure you have gone through each step and made sure that you completed them.

121-05 Blogs